Welcome to Richmond, California. We’re ready for business, industry, and community!


Progress and Profitability for Richmond Businesses

Since 1924, the Richmond Chamber of Commerce has represented the dynamic range of our city’s business community, from sole proprietors to major corporations. Approximately 70 percent of our members are considered small businesses, with less than 10 employees, 26 percent of our members have between 10-100 employees, and only 4 percent of our members are considered large businesses, having over 100+ employees.

We are a voice for each of our members and encourage participation by all. We are an excellent resource for anyone wanting information about Richmond and its business opportunities, policies and trends.

Our Mission: The Richmond Chamber of Commerce exists to provide services, resources and advocacy to foster growth in the business community and benefit West Contra Costa County.  We believe a healthy community can only be maintained by a strong local economy.  The Richmond Chamber represents and works for our members, which include businesses and organizations not only located in Richmond but those located elsewhere and doing business in Richmond.  We carry out our mission with a five-part approach:

  • Representing Business to Government
  • Promoting the Community
  • Creating a Strong Local Economy
  • Providing Networking Opportunities and Business Connection

Creating Jobs and a Resilient Economy

Our Chamber is dedicated to helping local companies grow their business by taking the lead in programs and efforts that help create a strong local economy and making our community a great place to do business. We provide many educational opportunities to help business improve. 

Representing Richmond Business to Government

One of the most important benefits of being a member of a chamber of commerce is having an organization larger than your own single business representing you and advocating on your behalf.  The services we do are designed to advocate for business interests, stimulating local business growth and prosperity.  We probably don’t communicate this work enough?  Much of the work we do is behind the scenes we should probably promote ourselves and our successes more.

Providing Networking Opportunities and Business Connections

Every event the chamber facilitates can promote the community, create a strong local economy and provide networking opportunities and business connections.
This is the most popular reason given for joining the Chamber.

Promoting the Community

Quality of life is considered to be the most important element of decision making when considering where one wishes to live and do business, Chambers of Commerce have long been known as being “cheerleaders” for their towns.  After all, who is the keeper of the maps directories and information about our town?  The list of things this Chamber does to promote their community is extensive.