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Planning an event? Head to the RPD for a One-Day Liquor Permit

red-wine1The Richmond Police Department is always happy to support non-profit organizations and civic clubs in their efforts to raise funds through parties, gatherings or other social events. In that, the authorization of One-Day Liquor Permits falls under the responsibility of the RPD. It would help us to help you if we received your requests for these one day permits in a timely fashion, preferably with more than one week’s notice. Additionally, the following requests are made:

1. Provide a copy of the ABC paperwork along with your one day application.
2. Provide a list of names and locations of those who will be the point(s) of dispensing of alcohol.
3. Provide clerk’s affidavits or an acknowledgement of service rules for each person serving alcohol.

Please contact the Richmond Police Department at 510-965-9423, well ahead of your event, if you have any questions or concerns.

Deputy Chief Ed Medina