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212 Tons of Food Needed by the Bay Area Rescue Mission

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Screen Shot 2013-09-05 at 1.14.34 PM352,500 meals. That’s 422,400 pounds of food – close to 212 tons! That’s how much food hungry people will eat here at the Bay Area Rescue Mission this Thanksgiving season. Wow! That seems impossible. But with your help, it will happen.

It costs just $2.05 to feed one hungry person. Just $2.05 to provide an entire meal of wholesome, home-cooked food… a meal that could just be the start of a new and better life.

Please donate now to feed as many people as possible. Your secure online gift will go a long way toward helping fill the Rescue Mission’s pantry and stock our shelves for the 2013 Thanksgiving season.

With grateful appreciation,
Rev. John M. Anderson, Executive Director

Help serve nearly 352,500 meals to hungry men, women and children. Send your gift today.